“The end in view moves the action.”

- Thomas Brooks


Yondr Studio was established in 2014 to offer clients an artisanal approach to illustration and design. This has meant avoiding digital tools of expedience—where possible—in favor of tangible tools and mediums whose mastery is hard-won through years of discipline and practice. This ethic produces an intimate relationship with one’s craft that builds character both in the artist and their work; a character that also adds credence and weight to the stories and ideas expressed therein. In other words, we are not about finding the quickest way from point A to point B. Rather, we are interested in allowing a noble end to determine our actions, sharpen our wits, and imbue our work with meaning and purpose.


Nathan (that’s me) was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1989 and raised in Pryor—a small town northeast of there. I have been drawing as far back as I can remember although in the 8th grade, an invitation to draw t-shirt designs for a local screen printer was my initiation into the world of graphic design. After high school, I earned an AAS in graphic design from Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology and worked at a small branding agency in Tulsa for a time. While there, designing on a computer, I began longing for the days I had spent drawing with pencil in hand. It was 2010 and the handmade movement was well underway. Encouraged by many whom I saw integrating traditional media back into their work, I began pursuing hand lettering and illustration and sharing my work online. In 2013 that work was noticed by a startup clothing brand and I relocated to Southern California to work as their lead artist for a time. In 2014 I relocated to Portland, Oregon, and opened up shop as Yondr Studio. While there, I met my wonderful wife, Katherine, and in 2016 relocated to the Seattle area where we now reside with our three children.

Today, I run Yondr Studio out of my home studio in Kingston, WA, where I offer illustration and design services to a wide array of industries and clientele.


While each job comes with its own particular set of needs, every job can be broken down into three distinct phases; 1. Ideation/Sketches; 2. Revisions; and 3. Final artwork. To get a glimpse into how I approach this process, I have assembled a brief case study which will walk you through each step…

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